1. I think learning about the exchange rate is the most applicable thing we learned about this quarter. I always have a hard time determining if something is expensive and I feel like I will have an even more difficult time determining these things in Spain. I still need to practice converting exchange rates but now that I have a better understanding about how to do it I think I will have an easier time. Also, learning about what effects whether currency is appreciating or depreciating is something that could be helpful while on study abroad. It will let me know if I am actually getting a good deal for what I am buying. Learning about what makes currency appreciate or depreciate is helpful too because I now have some understanding about what to look for when buying something.
2. I am interested in learning more about the central place theory. I had never though about a city in that way before and I can see really well how it works just by being in a certain place. I am interested in seeing if I am able to determine the set up of madrid during the time that I am there. I am also interested in learning more about what drives a city into these formations. I know that economic factors play a huge role in this formation, but I would also like to explore other factors that play into this.
3. Advice I would give to a student considering this class would be to make sure that the country they pick in one that they are truly interested in. If I had to do a great amount of research on a country that I wasn't interested in I would not have learned so much about Spain. I would also suggest they had some economics background. I have not taken an economics class since my sophomore year of high school and there were times when I felt a little lost when discussing some topics. I would recommend this class to anyone. It pushed me to learn things about Spain that I otherwise probably wouldn't and I feel like it played a huge role in getting me prepared for living in a foreign country.
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